The SnapBagger, SnapBag and YardPup & Little Paw are all inventions I conceived as an avid “Do-it-Yourselfer” who became frustrated with products for my yard and pets that just didn’t seem to get the job done. As a Mechanical Engineer and seasoned sales manager for a high quality industrial equipment manufacturer, I believed I was particularly equipped to bring products like these from idea conception to market. I formed She-Edison, LLC to explore and develop “Bright Ideas for Busy People™”.
The SnapBagger was born from true necessity (the Mother of all inventions)! I found that I could rake up a yard full of pesky live oak leaves in a short amount of time, but the chore of bagging them was time-consuming, back-breaking and overwhelming. Local hardware and big box stores yielded some partial solutions, but they were mostly bag stands or bag holders that were really no better than just putting the bag in a large trash can. It was obvious that a better and complete solution to bagging debris was needed. After numerous iterations, as well as focused input from other homeowners, it became clear that it was necessary to go beyond just holding the bag open to quickly and cleanly filling the bag. Ultimately, the SnapBagger’s single-tool, unique shoveling and scooping methods were born!
My various 4-legged babies (Simon, Chica, Poppy and Gracie) were the impetus for development of the YardPup and Little Paw system. Keeping up after this crew required a great product that was quick, clean and easy to use in all 4 seasons (including ice and snow here in Colorado). Nothing else I had ever tried for keeping the doody out of my yard seemed to be good enough. I knew that the SnapBagger’s technology in a smaller size would make the Ultimate PoopScoop and once I designed the Little Paw to go along with it, I knew this was the perfect solution to a 365-day-a-year problem. I have tried to bring you a truly “Best of Breed” poop scoop for the 21st Century – I hope you and your puppies will feel the same way!!
She-Edison, LLC manages the sales of the SnapBagger and YardPup as well as other high quality products that address everyday consumer needs. I am always thinking of new solutions to age-old problems, and I like to design tools “like they used to”, built out of quality materials and intended to last many years if properly cared for. I welcome and value ideas from our customers. I am delighted to make these products available to you through our valued retail partners, and cannot thank you enough for the support of our business!
Melanie J. Romero